Adresse und Kontakt AG Netzbasierte Informationssysteme FU Berlin Königin-Luise-Straße 24-26 14195 Berlin Tel.: +49-30-838-75221 Fax: +49-30-838-75220
| Das Deutsch-Österreichische W3C-Büro und der Xinnovations e. V. laden zur Fachtagung „Semantischen Technologien: Verwertungsstrategien und Konvergenz von Metadaten“ ein. Die Veranstaltung möchte zum einen aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse aus den Bereichen Semantic Web und Sprachtechnologien für die Verwertung semantischer Technologien in der Kultur- und Medienbranche nutzbar machen. Zum anderen werden aktuelle Spannungsfelder in der Technologieentwicklung unter dem Stichwort „Metadatenkonvergenz“ thematisiert.… [...Weiterlesen/more...] NBI head Robert Tolksdorf and research assistant Markus Luczak-Rösch submitted two extended abstracts to WebSci 13. We are happy to announce that both papers have been accepted and will appear in the ACM conference proceedings. The first work entitled „Art As A Source For Innovation In Knowledge Processing“ (Robert Tolksdorf, Markus Luczak-Rösch) will be presented as a poster at the conference. Abstract: Artists generate specific views on the world. They are knowledge workers that develop their view on the world and visualize it in some way. We argue that processes and results of art can and should be an inspiration for innovation in knowledge modeling and processing in information systems. We exemplify this view with the artist Mark Lombardi. The second extended abstract is entitled „Beyond Positivism in Computer Science“ (Markus Luczak-Rösch) and has been selected for a regular 20 minutes presentation. Abstract: This extended abstract provokes a discussion about a paradigm shift in Computer Science towards a discipline that is composed of a technology-critical attitude as well as theories of computation that tolerate vagueness, non-determinism, and affective behavior which are fundamental in the socio-technical nature of the Web.… [...Weiterlesen/more...] The 4th Workshop on Complex Networks will be hosted March 13-15, 2013 by NBI with Prof. Tolksdorf as the general chair. The International workshop on complex networks (CompleNet) aims at bringing together researchers and practitioners working on areas related to complex networks. In the past two decades we have been witnessing an exponential increase on the number of publications in this field. From biological systems to computer science, from economic to social systems, complex networks are becoming pervasive in many fields of science. It is this interdisciplinary nature of complex networks that CompleNet aims at addressing. Workshops are scheduled around the world on an yearly basis. The first edition of the workshop took place in May 2009 in Catania, Italy; the 2nd took place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; the 3rd in Melbourne, Florida, USA. This year we will be Berlin at the campus of the Freie Universitaet Berlin… [...Weiterlesen/more...] The 11th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik takes place 27.2. – 1.3.2013 at the Universität Leipzig. The call for papers is open until 12.8.2012. Prof. Tolksdorf is cochair of Track 9 – Integration and Architectures and submissions are most welcome.… [...Weiterlesen/more...] The International Conference on Web Engineering 2012 is hosted by NBI. Sponsorship opportunities are now offered. Please see the information and consider ICWE as part of your communication strategy.… [...Weiterlesen/more...] In collaboration with Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society and Freie Universität Berlin, Wikimedia Deutschland is organizing the “Wikipedia Academy 2012: Research and Free Knowledge.” (June 29 – July 1, 2012, Berlin). This conference provides a platform for the research community and the Wikipedia community to connect, present, discuss and advance research on Wikipedia in particular and on free knowledge in general. More information is available on the conference website.… [...Weiterlesen/more...] The DigiPolis project here at AG NBI is developing a Self-organized Semantic Storage Service (“S4″). A research paper written by NBI staff members Hannes Mühleisen, Tilman Walther and Prof. Robert Tolksdorf discussing self-optimization of the stored data was just accepted for the Third World Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing (NaBIC2011) in Salamanca, Spain. The publication is titled “Data Location Optimization for a Self-Organized Distributed Storage System”, here the abstract: Nature-inspired algorithms allow the creation of complex systems that are scalable in many dimensions, adaptable to changing conditions, and robust against failure. Our S4 system employs these algorithms to provide a distributed storage service based on swarm operations. Here, autonomous agents move on a virtual landscape of connected computers to store and retrieve data. However, these swarm-based approaches achieve their impressive performance by trading away correctness guarantees, occasionally leading to misplaced data items. In order to achieve consistent storage, there is a need for a constant optimization of the store’s data structure. In this paper, we describe a fully distributed and scalable heuristic for the optimization of the location of stored data items within a distributed storage system. We evaluate our heuristic using best- and worst-case test data
… [...Weiterlesen/more...]Die Xinnovations 2011, das permanente Innovationsforum für netzbasierte Informationssysteme vom 19.9.2011 bis 21.9.2011 hat seine Registrierungsseite freigeschaltet.… [...Weiterlesen/more...] The DigiPolis project at AG NBI is developing a Self-organized Semantic Storage Service („S4“). A research paper written by NBI staff members Hannes Mühleisen, Tilman Walther and Prof. Robert Tolksdorf discussing the handling of different index levels within this system was just accepted for the 2011 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC2011) , New Orleans, USA. The publication is titled „Multi-Level Indexing in a Distributed Self-Organized Storage System“, here the abstract: In many systems providing storage and retrieval operations on data, indices are used to make these operations more efficient. Distributed storage systems provide means to distribute the burden of storing and retrieving data on multiple different computers. Routing indices can answer the central question in these systems: Where should one look for a specified data item? To be able to query for different columns in a relation or different entries in tuples, indexing for multiple dimensions is necessary. Our group applies a swarm-based approach to distributed storage leading to a new class of distributed systems, which are fully self-organized in their behavior and lack any shared global data structures. Here, we research whether multiple levels of routing indices can be maintained and used in such a
… [...Weiterlesen/more...]Zwei Papiere wurden für die Konferenz Kultur und Informatik 2011 angenommen.Die Arbeit Robert Tolksdorf: IT-gestützte Innovationsmöglichkeiten für den Kunstmarkt beschäftigt sich mit der Frage wie wirkliche Innovation durch IT im Kunstmarkt entstehen und über Formen wie hinausgehen kann. Joachim Quantz, Jürgen Döllner, Rolf Fricke, Robert Tolksdorf, Thomas Hoppe und Ingolf Jung: DigiPolis: Raumbezogene Visualisierung von Gebäuden im Stadtumfeld berichtet über Ergebnisse und Perspektiven der Regionalen Wachstumskern Potential Digipolis.… [...Weiterlesen/more...] | |