A poster on an NBI activity in digital humanities was presented at the Workshop “Grenzen überschreiten – Digitale Geisteswissenschaft heute und morgen” on 28.02.2014.: Digital Art Research and Knowledge Processing.
A poster on an NBI activity in digital humanities was presented at the Workshop “Grenzen überschreiten – Digitale Geisteswissenschaft heute und morgen” on 28.02.2014.: Digital Art Research and Knowledge Processing.
New NBI publication: Robert Tolksdorf. Initial report on digitally researching the network drawings of Mark Abstract: We do digital research on the artist Mark Lombardi (1951-2000) as an experiment in methods for digital art history. We manually generate GraphML representations of the networks depicted in his drawings and publish them at http://www.lombardinetworks.net. Services on the data are implemented like textual search on labels of nodes or an index on what persons or institutions appear in which works. We visualize the networks with nodes linked to Wikipedia information about the actors. With calculations on the networks we generate synthetic drawings from multiple original works that overlap in actors.… [...Weiterlesen/more...] NBI-Dozentin Stefanie Demmler ist Mitautorin eines neuen Buchs zu Power-Napping: Stefanie Demmler, Solveig Lanske, Dörthe Ziemer. „30 Minuten Power-Napping“. GABAL Verlag. 2013. 96 Seiten: Now online: Proceedings of the 10th ESWC 2013 Conference Workshops: BeRSys2013, AImWD2013 and USEWOD2013. NBI was active in the 2nd Workshop on Artificial Intelligence meets the Web of Data (AImWD2013) and the 3rd International Workshop on Usage Analysis and the Web of Data (USEWOD2013).… [...Weiterlesen/more...] As the final step for the successful completion of his PhD, Hannes Mühleisen thesis has been published online: Hannes Mühleisen. Architecture-independent distributed query processing. PhD thesis. Freie Universität Berlin, 2013.… [...Weiterlesen/more...] The DigiPolis project here at AG NBI is developing a Self-organized Semantic Storage Service (“S4″). A survey paper written by NBI staff members Hannes Mühleisen, Tilman Walther and Prof. Robert Tolksdorf was just published in the International Journal of Web Information Systems. The publication is titled “A survey on self-organized semantic storage”, here the abstract: … [...Weiterlesen/more...] Prof. Tolksdorf authored a catalogue text for PREVIEW BERLIN – THE EMERGING ART FAIR discussing how information technology could drive innovation in the art market (deutsche Version hier).… [...Weiterlesen/more...] The DigiPolis project at AG NBI is developing a Self-organized Semantic Storage Service („S4“). A research paper written by NBI staff members Hannes Mühleisen, Tilman Walther and Prof. Robert Tolksdorf discussing the handling of different index levels within this system was just accepted for the 2011 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC2011) , New Orleans, USA. … [...Weiterlesen/more...] The paper „Towards Swarm-based Federated Web Knowledgebases“ by Philipp Obermeier, Anne Augustin and Robert Tolksdorf has been accepted at the Workshop on Self-Organising, Adaptive, Context-Sensitive Distributed Systems (SAKS). Its abstract is … [...Weiterlesen/more...] The DigiPolis project at AG NBI is developing a Self-organized Semantic Storage Service („S4“). A research paper written by NBI staff members Hannes Mühleisen, Tilman Walther, Anne Augustin and Marko Harasic under the supervision of Prof. Robert Tolksdorf describing the impact of various configuration parameters on this system was just accepted for the The 6th International Workshop on Scalable Semantic Web Knowledge Base Systems (SSWS2010) at the 9th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2010), Shanghai, China. … [...Weiterlesen/more...] |